Friday, October 12, 2012

RSS Feeds

1. What does RSS stand for? Really Simple Syndication: a way of allowing web users to receive syndicated newsletters and email alerts 2. How does it Work? Simple text files that, once submitted to feed directories, will allow subscribers to see content within a very short time after its updated. 3. What are 2 benefits to using one? The big benefit to RSS is that individuals choose to content of interest, controlling the information that they receive. If the quality of the content in the feed declines, users removes the feed from their RSS reader and they will not receive any more updates from that source. 4. Compare and contrast “RSS Feeds”, “Feed Reader”, or “Aggregator”? RSS feeds are the better out of the others I think. 5. What Google product is an RSS Feed? Google Reader 6. What do you need in order to sign up for an RSS feed? Create an account and to add your favorite sites. 7. What does it cost? Nothing

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